My boyfriend and I really wanted to get a dog, and we decided to adopt. But then life happened and adopting a dog went on the back burner for awhile after dealing with the loss of my father I had slowly declined into a dark place. I didn't want to leave the house, stayed in bed and the TV was my best friend and had no desire to exercise. Then one day I saw my daughter's friend post a picture of a dog she was fostering and I just had a feeling that she was meant for us. We met her at a PetSmart adoption event and I knew I in my heart I needed her as much as she needed us. She was rescued from Alabama with a collar so tight it had to be cut off her neck, she was positive for heartworm and underwent terrible treatment. The first few days we took our time getting to know each other and became friends, I took her to the dog store, walks around the neighborhood & the local dog park. She was nervous and skiddish about everything. Today I have her in obediance classes and we play fetch and we love our walks. She got me out of my slump and we gave her a family. I am forever greatful that we adopted our Chloie dog.