Hi, I'm
currently located at
Pacific Pups Rescue
Los Angeles, CA
Black - with White
Med. 26-60 lbs (12-27 kg)
pet id
Tammy is a beautiful 45 lb girl who just wants to be loved. She is 9 years old, and a lab/shepherd mix. She is very sweet, but shy. Once she gets to know you and trusts you (which doesn't take much time), she is very loving, and will flip on her back for belly rubs! She also likes to plop herself down on the couch next to you and is an affectionate pup. Tammy loves treats and toys! We're not too sure about what Tammy endured in her past, but she is very nervous of loud noises, being restrained, and of new places, so we think a calm household without children is best for her. She is good with most other dogs, but needs a slow and controlled introduction. Tammy is house trained, rides well in the car and walks nicely on a leash. She is so smart, and knows many tricks including sit, down, give paw, roll over, turn around. Shes so sweet and everyone who fosters her can't help but fall in love!
If you have any questions or would like to adopt Tammy, please reach out to the adoption group directly. PetSmart Charities does not facilitate the adoption process. Thank you.
adoption group
Los Angeles, CA 90232
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